La prossimità dell’Infinito

Giancarlo Maresca

Medium type
proximity, process of becoming, dark matter, light, gravitational waves, oneness
Linear script writing, text-to-image generative Ai

The proximity of Infinite wishes to talk about a concept that could be applied to Physics, borrowing some concepts deduced from philosophy. We focused on the concept of proximity to the possibility of obtaining pure and unlimited energy. For this reason, the gravitational waves of dark matter can come to our aid as they would be able to subtract energy from light, the constant of Einstein’s famous formula.

There is more. I believe that just as much energy can also be obtained from the simple concept in which chaos becomes becoming but, at the same time, proximity to the energy of light. In this case both the becoming and the proximity of energy derived from light can be explained as the impossibility of determining the present time.

In fact, as Heisenberg would say, the two terms of comparison of becoming and proximity to the energy of light would be determined by the impossibility of knowing the position and quantity of energy of an electron at the same instant. But probably, thanks to artificial intelligence and scientific advances, all this will be possible.

The simplicity of an equation to provide infinite, innovative energy allows for a theoretical display

To write this article, I started from a consideration, of a philosophical nature, that I have made over time. The human being is limited but can become powerful as a pure expression of becoming towards proximity.

It is therefore necessary to underline a new principle in physics, the concept of proximity. The concept of proximity could be applied to love, to friendship, as they are not fully reachable.

There would be shadows to anticipate the light of full awareness which could not become such because it would be too all-encompassing to the point of becoming destructive for the person himself.

In this sense, shadows would serve to anticipate, on a physical level, light, but from the point of view of our observation, we see shadow and light as a space-time continuum.

We do not simply notice that the present is happening, it is immanent, our perception would always refer to our own personal experience.

If the human being is limited, but can become powerful as a pure expression of becoming towards proximity (another concept to underline in physics), I believe that a similar discussion can be made if we apply energy to this reasoning.

If we consider the concept of proximity regarding reaching the speed of light, I believe that one can develop and obtain a large amount of energy if one is always stable in the proximity of the speed of light.

And this would be possible if one stayed in the shadow, in the dark matter, at the moment in which the transition to light occurs. The shadow anticipates the light, and in that moment of proximity to the light, in which the shadow is about to become light, there is a large quantity of energy. Some might define it as “dark matter”, which we know is charged with gravitational energy capable of subtracting energy from light.

Some might define it as “dark matter”, which we know is charged with gravitational energy capable of subtracting energy from light.

Understanding the concept of obtaining clean, infinite energy, remaining stable and always close to the speed of light, at the moment in which the shadow is about to begin to become light, can help us create unlimited, clean, renewable and necessary to travel in cosmic space, without limits.

In matematica si potrebbe creare una nuova costante: la costante di prossimità rispetto all’effettivo raggiungimento della velocità della luce, partendo dalla materia scura, nel momento in cui sta per avvenire il passaggio, dall’ombra alla luce.

This is how I define my proximity constant. This would be an “action” constant, which translates into a proximity interval.

Let’s imagine that it is possible to remain constant near the speed of light.

To obtain this proximity, the constant action of proximity can be “enclosed” in a time interval that can become well defined, thanks to the force of gravity.

After which this interval of action becomes a proximity constant with respect to the actual reaching of the light.

In this way we can express the process through a simple mathematical equation:

The proximity of action of energy, which always translates into the one, has an enormous potential in itself because both the shadow (dark matter) and the light are both included in that one. But not only.

The intervals of proximity to light can be infinite, there is not a single proximity interval of transition from shadow to definitive light, but it is always in the process of becoming, in many different ways.

Analyzing everything in quantum terms, we can obtain multiple action proximity intervals (any exponent applied to the base of one) but we will always obtain one as a result as a proximity interval to light, based on our point of view, from point of view of our observation.

Man only has one point of view with respect to reality, as was demonstrated by Heisenberg, whose uncertainty principle states that it is not possible to determine two conjugate variables with arbitrary precision and at the same time.

We can have many intervals of proximity to light, due to the effect of the force of gravity, in which dark matter multiplies the energy exponentially and infinitely, which can become infinite and renewable and which can be exploited because the One (the single interval proximity to light) multiplied exponentially, always leads us back to a One full of energy, infinite, quantum (which our material reality can detect as energy), and which it is always possible to detect and exploit by future energy plants that will exploit this principle. From the point of view of our material reality, from the point of view of our observation, we can only detect a range of proximity to light.

Some shadows (dark matter), born from the sun, hide the future. If it could be possible to create matter from light; from the shadows it might be possible to anticipate the same force of gravity that acts on matter itself.

From this point of view the light itself could therefore be anticipated, if we consider the speed. I wish everything were elegantly simple, like Einstein’s energy formula,
E = mc²

This is because, in my opinion, there is a gross simplicity and an elegant simplicity. Elegant simplicity would certainly allow for complexity, at various stages, but this does not mean reducing everything to pure and simple reductionism.

“Elegant simplicity” in science could consist in the ability to determine, with the simple principle of cause and effect, the sometimes inextricable events that prevent man from enjoying his happiness, such as the close union between reason and emotions, especially when the latter give us a multifocal and multicentric vision of reality, which would lead the person to lack the necessary orientation to understand a reality that is gradually becoming more and more complex.

The new social networks, the new networks further favor the fragmentation of the individual instead of bringing him back to the consciousness of unity, to that principle of Energy from which we all come and of which we are co-authors, through light, and at the same time participate in a factual, simultaneous present, which would describe the very nature of matter, if we always retained an objective vision of reality, not determined by experience. In this way one could hypothesize an elegant simplicity of a unit raised to the nth degree.

In the past I have had encounters that I considered casual and not very significant in my life but which then overlapped with my future, before I could even know it. All this makes me consider that traces of an experiential past, lived with other people, can mark the future of one’s personal reality.

We would start from the past to arrive at the future directly and the present would be the fruit of this “redundancy effect” of the past. Let’s imagine the present as a machine, a continuous receiver of electromagnetic waves whose echo must be sought in the past and which then retransmits it into the future, especially when new oil deposits must be found.

From this point of view, we imagine that from dark matter there are continuous emissions of gravitational waves, in which the future would act on the past. The light we see in the stars is proof of this, we always see the stars in a past that has already happened, from the point of view of our observation.

Therefore, due to the effect of a gravitational redundancy of the future we constantly determine The One, the present, raised to the nth degree. This is why we have the impression that our present represents a space-time continuum. Without interruptions.

Yet, the future would leave proximity zones greater than the speed of light, which are the result of the gravitational redundancy of dark matter, which acts on the past of light.

But for Heisenberg, for his uncertainty principle, everything appears to us as One, because the proximity interval, that moment of passage between shadow and light, between dark matter and light, could not be possible to determine on the basis of our observation point.

It will always appear to us as One, a whole, but raised to the nth degree, from a quantum point of view. Future quantum machinery will be able to do this, they will be able to exploit the redundancy effect of dark matter, as I explained previously.


Giancarlo Maresca, (Faenza, 1981) graduated in Italian studies (modern philology), teacher in public institutions where he developed cross-disciplinary skills and Systems thinking.

Having reached his fourth publication, the author states that for him “creativity leaves many scattered traces on the shoreline that every artist must know how to collect and rearrange”.

For the “Ponte Vecchio” types he has already published the anthologies “Specchio d’ombra” (2020) and “Troppo vento dal mare” (2022), “L’armadio e lo Spigo” (2023).