Promised Clouds

Camelia Mirescu

Medium Type
A/V work
Concept, cinematography, editing, film
Camelia Mirescu
Music by
Piece title

An Affair
It didn’t work out
A flash in the pan of time
― Lawrence Ferlinghetti

A bright moon between clouds
Before plunging
into ocean


“Camelia Mirescu was born in Romania and has lived in Rome since 1990. A versatile artist, Mirescu works in avariety of mediums – painting, photography, video art, video installations, experimental film, ceramics, in her thoughts written between narrative, poetry and essay writing.”

― Claudio Crescentini, Emotive Transmigrations, 2016

The passion for the symbols world that live in all of us is the narrative thread of my imaginative and creative existence, condensed into a reflexive exploration then externalized by the painting, photography, video art, experimental film and love for written thought. A precious and devotees working tools series, that have moreover, given to me the strength to emerge from the constellations of objective difficulties, to synthesize in a sensible expression, all conscious and unconscious influences, to shape the desire to create, to open up the Spirit to the unknown and the infinite. Ultimately living for the Enigma of Art, beyond the Time and the Space of a passing life.